EPIC Photonics Run
6km Run: 16 July in Munich
EPIC has organized running events in San Francisco, Zurich & Vilnius usually in combination with a photonics event. But this time, in conjunction with B2 Run Munich 2019 and with the support of AMS Technologies – gold sponsor and Chroma Technology, Hamamatsu – bronze sponsors (ADDITIONAL SPONSORS WELCOME), we will bring together the photonics industry only for running and networking. We will have a tent, supply EPIC T-shirts, provide refreshments and snacks.
Free for EPIC members and invited friends. EPIC members in Munich area: 24IP, Acal BFI, AMS Technologies, Bosch, Chroma, Excelitas, Hamamatsu, Huawei, IHB Consulting & Trading, Innolas, Laser Components, Laser2000, Light Tec, Mentor, Messe Munich, QioptiQ, Raylase, Rofin/Coherent, Thorlabs, Toptica, Vertilas. Participants list will be sent to the registered runners by email.