MONTFORT Laser – A workhorse, rugged and reliable!

The M-NANO with up to 120mJ pulse energy is a family of extremely compact, all-in-one high energy Nanosecond Lasers with up to 120mJ pulse energy (20Hz) for applications like LIBS, LIDT testing, LIDAR, Photoacoustics, etc.  You just provide 24VDC from a laptop-like power supply and some commands and trigger signals if desired, and out come the pulses!  Customized models with up to 200mJ pulse energy or 100Hz rep rate are available.
The M-NANO-OPO for Photoacoustics is a 19″-rack compatible, particularly compact, All-In-One nanosecond OPO laser with air-cooling and low power consumption, no external boxes or chillers or controllers required. It tunes over 660-1300 nm with true shot-to-shot tunability, and is pumped by an integrated M-NANO green nanosecond laser. Developed in close collaboration with GWU-Lasertechnik in Germany, a renowned maker of OPO systems, the OPO part is manufactured by GWU. Output options are a fiber-bundle port (see image) or free-space.

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