Cancellation of the W3+ Fair Rheintal 2020 high-tech trade fair
The organiser Fleet Events, based in Hamburg, has had to cancel the event following yesterday's announcement by the Vorarlberg state government. With the unique W3+@xircus digital live event platform, W3+ Fair will be launching a genuine digital alternative in November.
The W3+ Fair ( Rheintal high-tech trade fair, which was to be held on 23 + 24 September at Messequartier Dornbirn as an on-site event, has been cancelled. “We are extremely sorry that the courage and enthusiasm of our exhibiting companies, the supporting associations and institutions, and our speakers, and the outstanding commitment of our team, have not led us to the desired outcome this time. Until recently, we were in good spirits regarding our ability to ensure a safe event with our sophisticated hygiene concept, working in close coordination with the local health authorities,” says Christoph Rénevier, Managing Director of Fleet Events. However, the announcement made by the Vorarlberg state government on 15 September has now put a stop to these efforts. The governor has declared the districts of Dornbirn, Hohenems and Lustenau to be an “orange zone” due to the increasing number of infections there. This means that only 250 people are allowed to attend trade fairs. A trade fair and accompanying conference cannot be implemented with such a restriction in place. Due to these official directives, Fleet Events has now cancelled the high-tech trade fair and accompanying N-Tec Talks conference.
New opportunity for the cross-industry community in November
In addition to ongoing trade fair preparations, which will now focus on Wetzlar in February 2021, Fleet Events has also been working intensively to create new digital concepts in recent months. These efforts have given rise to the unique xircus digital live event platform. What is special about xircus is that the platform makes it possible to hold a live event featuring parallel sessions and sub-events. There is also a multitude of contact options, interaction opportunities and entertainment.
For the W3+ Fair Rheintal 2020 exhibitors, and other interested companies, the W3+@xircus event in November will provide a new and interesting digital alternative to the on-site events that have been cancelled.
“We are very proud that we have been able to develop an exciting presentation platform like xircus, which will complement on-site trade fairs.
The format is a huge step towards a digital event experience – and the ideal opportunity for companies that are looking for in-depth dialogue with existing and new partners even during the coronavirus pandemic,” said Rénevier. The key advantage of the digital event environment is the unrestricted reach in terms of attracting participants from the cross-industry target group – which is the thing that sets W3+ Fair apart.
More information is available at
About W3+ Fair
The event is based on an industry initiative started in Wetzlar and Middle Hesse to promote networking between the three sectors of optics, electronics and mechanics. The aim is that new connections will pave the way for future-oriented technologies. The trade fair was held for the first time in February 2014 in the Rittal Arena in Wetzlar. Wetzlar Network and EPIC are gold partners of the event. W3+ Fair is organised by the Hamburg-based trade fair and conference organiser FLEET Events ( The W3+ Fair Rheintal trade fair was added recently, and celebrated its première in September 2019 in the four-country region encompassing parts of Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany, with the gold partners EPIC, Swissphotonics and Photonics Austria.