INFRAMET: Newsletter 1/2020
It seems that the entire first half of 2020 will be dominated by the subject of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Also in Poland the problem is serious and the daily number of new cases is not decreasing so far. By this newsletter, we would like to inform you that the Inframet company works without any disturbances. From the first days of the pandemic, we carefully watched the situation and implemented steps to reduce the risk of virus emergence and spread among company employees. We have overtaken national recommendations when internal precautions were taken and we can boast that there were no cases of Covid-19 among employees of the company and their families. Restrictions that are felt for our clients are suspension of receiving visits of domestic and foreign guests and suspension of trips of our employees to training related to equipment operation. These restrictions will be removed as soon as country borders are opened and air traffic is launched. We hope that this will happen soon and we will be able to host you again in our office. Anyway, it should be emphasized that all deliveries are made without delays.
We would also like to inform you that Inframet not only protects against the negative effects caused by a pandemic, but also joins the active fight against the virus. Using our extensive experience in the production of test systems for testing thermal imagers, we have created three new products:
BMED reference medical blackbody – special blackbody dedicated for all those applications where accurate simulation of human body temperature is required. This blackbody is characterized by the best resolution, uniformity, and measurement uncertainty comparing to typical blackbodies met on the market. It should be remembered that display temperature resolution of typical blackbody is 0,1ºC when BMED offers 0,01ºC; typical regulation stability is about ±0,2ºC when BMED offers± 0,03ºC. Next, the emissivity of BMED blackbody equals to 0.98 that is the same values emissivity of human skin (confirmed by scientific papers). There is the same situation with other parameters. All these features make BMED blackbody the best choice of blackbody in medical applications.
TREEN thermograph for human febrile temperature screening – high performance system that can be built using typical off shelf portable surveillance thermal imagers that potential customer already have got. This technology developed by Inframet is offered mainly to manufacturers of military type portable surveillance thermal imagers. It enables rapid modernization of already manufactured surveillance thermal imagers into professional fever screening thermographs that exceed requirements of the IEC/ISO standard on fever screening thermographs.
TFEV system for testing fever screening thermographs – test concept of this system is based on recommendations of the standard IEC 80601-2-59 "Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of screening thermographs for human febrile temperature screening". Mentioned standard presents a set of requirements on uncertainty of external temperature reference source, temporal drift, non-uniformity in FOV, non-stability, minimum resolvable temperature difference and image resolution of the screening thermographs. Only thermographs that fulfil these requirements can offer acceptable sensitivity/specificity of fever screening tests.
More details about these new products can be found in data sheets on our website.
As we preliminary announced in previous newsletter the paper written by Inframet employees „Analysis of a blackbody irradiance method of measurement of solar blind UV cameras' sensitivity” has been finally published in Opto-Electronics Review, Volume 27, Issue 4, December 2019, Pages 378-384. This paper presents a critical analysis of a current typical method to measure sensitivity of solar blind ultraviolet cameras using a high temperature blackbody as a calibrated source of ultraviolet light. The paper is an example of Inframet superiority in field of equipment for testing solar blind UV cameras. Inframet is the only manufacturer that offers commercially available systems for testing these cameras: UVIC station and UVICOR stations. Now, we would like to preliminary announce that new station coded as USOL is to be expected soon. This new station will enable realistic simulation of influence of solar light on performance of SBUV cameras.
Finally we plan to continue organizing in our facilities expanded educational training courses on testing and evaluation of electro-optical imaging and laser systems (thermal imagers, night vision devices, visible/NIR cameras, SWIR imagers, laser range finders, laser designators, laser pointers, multi-sensors system, and optical sights). We will inform you about training date as soon as it will be possible to set it.
More information here.