High Precision Center Thickness and SAG value measurement of single lenses and doublets from TRIOPTICS
In optics production, the high quality of the single lens is the prerequisite for high-precision optical systems. With the OptiSurf® LTM (Lens Thickness Measurement), TRIOPTICS offers a precise center thickness measurement system for single lenses and doublets that seamlessly integrates into any production process. The high precision low-coherence interferometry is based on the established OptiSurf® technology and measures single lenses and doubles with a glass thickness of up to 150 mm with a precision of ±0,5 µm. The non-contact measurement system is gentle on sensitive surfaces and coatings. In addition to the center thickness, the sag value can also be determined.
The optimization for use in production is particularly evident in its simple and stable handling. The OptiSurf® LTM is equipped with vibration damping and a self-centering mechanical clamping chuck. Two clamping chucks are available to choose from depending on the sample size (standard: 8 mm … 200 mm, micro: 1 mm … 30 mm). This eliminates any adjustment of the sample and the measuring process can be carried out safely, quickly and independently of the operator.
Simple operation is ensured by an integrated touch screen. For a straightforward data input a database can be called up via a network connection. The customer-specific connection of a barcode scanner is possible. More