ABTech Inc.: First-Ever Precision Measurement/Loading System for GRIN Optical Thin Film measurement
January, 2021: Ultra-precision air-bearing manufacturers of motion systems, spindles, rotary tables and linear slides. Accuracies <0.000,001” 0.025 microns
ABTech designed, engineered, and built the system using ABTech’s own proprietary precision motion and measurement systems, off-the-shelf components (such as the robot) that were used in new ways and Peak Nano’s application software. One of the project team’s challenges were to identify and bring together all the pieces, evaluate and test them for this custom purpose and learn the new technologies involved, at the same time ensuring that the completed system would be accurate and fast enough to meet Peak Nano’s needs. ABTech designs and builds custom designed solutions. Check out our product video library at for a solution to meet your ultra-precision needs.
Download whitepaper here.