OASYS – Focused on optical components
The OASYS GmbH was founded in 1992 as a supplier of optical components for the laser industrie. In the meantime the product line was extended to standard- and special optics for all kind of applications, from the deep UV- to the far IR-spectrum. The parts are supplied in standard dimensions as well as custom tailored.
The Products
- Optical lenses and prisms for UV – IR
- ZnSe lenses and windows incl. AR coating
- Plano and spherical mirrors in glass and metal
- Optical windows with special coatings and filters
- Aspherical lenses (incl. diamond turned lenses made from Ge and ZnSe)
- Cylindrical and toroidal lenses / mirrors
- Micro lenses (min. 0.3 mm) and prisms
- Standard Fresnel lenses incl. Solar Fresnel lenses
- Ge Fresnel lenses
- Beamsplitter windows and –cubes (polarized and unpolarized)
- Serial production of mirrors made by replica technique
- Sapphire windows / lenses
- Windows with EMI / RFI shielding (ITO coating)
- ZnSe / Ge windows with AR/AR coating for CO2-Lasers
- Zero-Order / Multi-Order Waveplates
Machined Materials
- All common glasses incl. CaF2, GaAs, Ge, plastic, ZnSe, ZnS.
- For mirrors: glass, Si, Al, Cu, Mo, Be.