Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Interrogators from Femto Sensing International, LLC

Femto Sensing International (FSI) provides ultimate precision, accuracy, repeatability and reli FBG Interrogators.

FSI manufactures and sells the complete family of FAZ Technology world leading optical sensing instruments. With more than 10 years of focused optical sensing instrument technology development by a team of experts in this field, with 18 product and technology patents including the world’s most precise absolute wavelength calibration system, and with continuous product improvements based on feedback from instrument deployments around the world, the FAZ Technology brand instruments are the established leader for applications where ultimate performance and reliability are required. 

The company’s flagship instrument is the FAZT-I4G Interrogator with 0.1pm absolute precision and 50fm repeatability. With Full Spectrum and Sensor Detect modes of operation, with selectable Static and Dynamic scan rates to 8 kHz, and with unparalleled precision and repeatability, the FAZT-I4G has been deployed in some of the world’s most demanding applications. FAZ Technology instruments currently operate in marine and other transportation applications, in wind energy generation and other energy applications, in civil and geotechnical engineering, in security applications, and in industrial applications where ultimate precision process control is required. The FAZ Technology interrogators are also the instrument of choice for various R&D programs that demand that ultimate performance edge, worldwide. The company’s other FAZ Technology IX Series interrogators include the FAZT-I4-16 (16 dynamic channels), FAZT-I4W (the low-price workhorse), and the FAZT-I4-16W (16 channels workhorse). All FSI IX interrogators are provided with the FEMTOSENSE Optical Sensing Software, free of charge.

The company’s MX Series solid state tunable laser based budget interrogators include the M1, M2, M4, M8, M16, M24, and M32 models, with prices starting at $3,300 USD! All FSI MX interrogators are provided with the PICOSENSE Optical Sensing Software, free of charge. 

The company’s SX Series larger sensors capacity interrogators include the S1, S4, S4D, S8D, S16, and S16PC models. All FSI SX interrogators are provided with the NANOSENSE Optical Sensing Software, free of charge. 

Upon request FSI also provides Applications Engineering and Software Support. 

The company has a worldwide network of trusted System Integrators who have proven field experience and who are available to provide field installation and field training and commissioning support. FSI introduces its various System Integrators only if requested to do so by the customer.

Femto Sensing International is a US company headquartered in Atlanta, USA, with Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Centers in Atlanta, Sweden, Canada, and China.

For more information please contact us at, call us at +1 404 326-3469, or visit us at