Frankfurt Laser Company: Free Space Narrow Linewidth Laser Diodes

FLC offers Free Space Narrow Linewidth Laser Diodes designed to meet Raman
spectroscopy requirements. Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique
typically used to determine vibrational modes of molecules. It is commonly used in
chemistry to provide a structural fingerprint by which molecules can be identified. It is
based on inelastic scattering (or Raman scattering) of monochromatic light at
wavelengths typical in the visible range or in the IR range. This light is usually
generated using a laser which fulfils key performance parameters like a narrow
spectral linewidth, a good beam quality and a high and stable output power.

The FLC laser diodes from the FRLD-VBG series are excellent suited as light source
for this application. They are offered at wavelengths 532nm, 638nm, 785nm, 808nm,
830nm, 976nm & 1064nm and with an output power up to 800mW. The spectral
linewidth is very narrow due to an integrated Volume Bragg Grating (VBG) and typically
less than 0.1nm. Careful thermomechanical control and high-precision alignment
inside the laser is important to achieve high stability in the output wavelength and
linewidth, especially when operating the laser at varying ambient temperatures. The
FRLD-VBG series laser diodes are packaged in a solid Butterfly package with a free
space output. An integrated thermo-electric cooler (TEC) is optionally available.

Without a doubt, Raman Spectroscopy continues to be a cutting-edge analytical
technique that will likely continue to be applied in even more industries and markets in
the future. Systems are shrinking, resolution and sensitivity is increasing, and
components are becoming more reliable. Understanding the influence of the lasers
performance is critical to the continued success within these new application areas.
FLC will be pleased to support you finding the best suitable solution.

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